Celebrity couple Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic renewed their wedding vows in a Christian ceremony in Udaipur on Tuesday, also Valentine’s day. While the couple has shared photos from their special day, some candid videos from the dreamy white wedding have also found their way online. In one of the videos, we see Hardik and Natasa dancing as they walked down the aisle together.
The videos were originally shared by a guest at Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic’s wedding. One clip appears to be from the after-party, where the couple can be seen enjoying themselves on the dance floor.
Natasa wore a white gown with a long veil and Hardik was dressed in a black tuxedo for their special day. The video shows Natasa grooving with a bouquet of flowers in her hand as she walks ahead and her bridesmaids holding her long veil.
See video and photo from Hardik Pandya, Natasa Stankovic’s wedding:
A post shared by Manav Manglani (@manav.manglani)
Natasa is a former Bigg Boss contestant. The couple shared the first photos from their wedding ceremony, and wrote on social media, “We celebrated Valentine’s Day on this island of love by renewing the vows we took three years ago. We are truly blessed to have our family and friends with us to celebrate our love.”
See photos from Hardik Pandya, Natasa Stankovic’s wedding:
A post shared by Hardik Himanshu Pandya (@hardikpandya93)
Natasa Stankovic and Hardik Pandya got engaged on January 1, 2020, and tied the knot during the Covid-induced lockdown. They have a two-year-old son, Agastya.
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Kriti SonaliKriti works as a Copy Editor for the Entertainment section of Indian E… read more
Inside Hardik Pandya, Natasa Stankovic’s white wedding: Couple dance along the aisle, bring the house down at afterparty – The Indian Express
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